Four storytelling strategies for online courses – engaging and active solutions

Let me tell you about my old lecturer, John. He taught us Quantitative Analysis (statistics and probability) in our Bachelor of Business. Picture 300 first year students. One lonely man at the front; with a computer, a piece of chalk and a double black board (I did say the lecture theatre was old). Our lecture […]

Teach what you love, you don’t need to be an expert

You love the idea of creating learning products for your ideal customer. You want to make a difference. You want to teach your wisdom. You also love the idea of creating a passive income product funnel that has the potential to create a regular income and reach more people than you ever could one to […]

Poor conversions on your courses? Here’s why (traditional instructional design focus is wrong)

Listen to most online course design specialists and they will tell you to make a list of the ideas you want to teach, create subheadings, look for and eliminate any duplication and add activities/tests. Sounds logical, and it can work if you are writing a text. It’s definitely linear, and that feels… well safe. But […]

Where is your online offering sweet spot? (Worksheet)

Deciding to spread your wisdom is wonderful. It can feel exciting to decide to create online learning tools to share what you know and help your tribe. ‘I’m going to create an eBook to show people how to do this!’ ‘There’s a whole online course in this topic. I can help so many people’. Of […]

Education marketing and engagement all need this (hint: it isn’t your expertise!)

You want to create an online course or a workshop that people walk away raving about and …. well are changed in some way.  You want to make a difference.  Let’s face it… you REALLY want people attend in the first place so this can happen. You want people to really dig in and get […]

Online courses – tools to encourage collaboration or not? (Free worksheet to work it out)

You’ve decided to teach your amazing gifts. You’ve got a lot of decisions to make.  Instructional design is… multifaceted decision making. It’s easier if we chunk up the decisions. Let’s look at whether building an online community is part of your offering. Social media, audio conferencing, chat pages in a membership sight, collaborative technologies, online […]

Super targeted bite sized learning (Grow your business – think small!)

Think small to go big – Grow your business through super targeted, bite sized learning You have so much to teach. You want your people to grow, blossom and thrive. The challenge can be knowing where to start. You might feel overwhelmed with the task of knowing how it all fits together or chunks up. […]

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