Teach your Process to Thrive (Bonus worksheet to work it out)!

Do you have a unique process?

Teach your unique process

Teach your unique process

Do you have a certain way to solve a problem or reach or goal?

Do you follow steps or certain ‘rules’ to help clients?

Are you confident that this way of working is repeatable and will have consistent outcomes?

Is this a method you were taught or is it one you have developed?

These repeatable steps, thoughts, decisions, strategies, and discussions form a process.

Articulate Your Process

Your process might be based on;

  • years of experience working with hundreds of clients,
  • studying different disciplines and identifying links or connections that others haven’t yet realised,
  • focusing on issues others don’t see as related or causes, or
  • you apprenticed to a master who never wrote the process down J and you’ve tweaked it to your way.

If you have a process you are onto a golden opportunity.

A process allows many other people to plug in their information and get the desired result.

The process doesn’t have to be unique to you, but if it is, consider a patent. Even if it isn’t your unique process, if it works, PLEASE teach it to others.

Your process is a product.

Wrap your process up into a teachable model and you can teach one to many anywhere, anytime.

You’re welcome.

The people out there who desperately need your process will thank you too.

… But hang on.

Is it that easy?

Let me take you on a quick journey….

How do you choose a hotel? Let’s say you are looking for a quiet spot for just you and your special someone. What do you look for?

What are the non-negotiables?

For me its privacy, a fireplace, rainforest, in room dining, running water somewhere (a stream or waterfalls) and local bush walks.

Paint your picture for yourself.

Now imagine the hotel. Walk into the room.

Notice that your feet stick to the floor as you walk in and the room smells REALLY bad. There’s hair in the bathtub. And it isn’t yours!!!

What is the REAL non-negotiable when it comes to where you sleep (or eat for that matter)? Cleanliness. You bet.

Yet we don’t list cleanliness because it’s so clear and deep in our expectations and knowing. You forget how important it is to your decision and the correct choice.

Articulating your process can be a bit the same.

You may know that what you do works. You may know the major steps really clearly. And yet.

When it comes time to write out the process, it just doesn’t feel right.

I see this with my clients all the time.

It can be a bit of a challenge to really identify all of the little steps you go through to help your clients reach their desired outcomes.

Here are some tools I know work.

1 Keep notes

Write down all of the meta work that’s going on in your head.

2 Draw

It accesses a different part of the brain to draw an idea and relationships between parts.

3 Ask a critical friend

Do you have one of those friends who asks great questions? Happily finds holes in ideas. Loves learning new things. Is honest.

Of course, you could always work with me. I’m a very useful, fun and engaged critical friend who loves to learn.

Download the free Process worksheet for more instructions and ideas.

Legal stuff

If you do create a process, PLEASE consider seeing a solicitor and get an intellectual property patent. I am absolutely not and expert in the field and it changes depending on where you live. In Australia https://www.ipaustralia.gov.au/patents

Get that process locked down. Who knows. It might be so revolutionary that others want to teach it too and will have to pay you for the privilege.

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