Option 1 – Passive income through poorly designed teaching products like online courses, digital downloads and pre-recorded webinars. Result – the proliferation of crap products and dissatisfied customers (evidenced through terrible completion rates). The focus appears to be on ‘quick’ or ‘easy’ income rather than client results or satisfaction. This is short term thinking that […]
Teach your Process to Thrive (Bonus worksheet to work it out)!
Do you have a unique process? Do you have a certain way to solve a problem or reach or goal? Do you follow steps or certain ‘rules’ to help clients? Are you confident that this way of working is repeatable and will have consistent outcomes? Is this a method you were taught or is it […]
Great teachers solve problems
Great teachers solve problems. ‘Well of course!’ I hear you say. And yet… When I challenge a knowledge worker – someone who is paid for their expertise – to create a tool that their client can use BY THEMSELF… it can make them uncomfortable. My clients really appreciate my one on one service. My clients really like […]
Passive income through online courses is killing goodwill
The promise of passive income through online courses has led to the proliferation of crap products and dissatisfied purchasers. The alternative is educational products that create impact, loyal learners who join your community and jump on every opportunity to work with you – oh and pay a price that matches the amazing value you provide. […]
Worksheet design to teach and transform
Use this simple worksheet design checklist before you create your next blog, course or webinar. Your online learning can be powerful and profitable. You want to design worksheets that your clients will actually use. You know how important it is for your clients to ACT in order to address a problem or desire and transform their lives. […]
Shortcut course design – you can create your course NOW
Many of my clients say they just don’t know where to start. They want to create a course or webinar or even a workshop but they just feel a bit… well overwhelmed. I get that. We’re all looking for a shortcut. Well actually shortcut course design is exactly what you should do. So here’s how […]
6 course design strategies to create sustained and intentional change
You want to create a course to share your wisdom and change people’s lives. Really change people’s lives. In some important, amazing, transformative, and uplifting way, you want to help your clients to make their life better. They will be stronger, fitter, happier, wealthier, more organised, less overwhelmed, more present, more centred, more supported/supportive, wiser…. […]
Four storytelling strategies for online courses – engaging and active solutions
Let me tell you about my old lecturer, John. He taught us Quantitative Analysis (statistics and probability) in our Bachelor of Business. Picture 300 first year students. One lonely man at the front; with a computer, a piece of chalk and a double black board (I did say the lecture theatre was old). Our lecture […]
Online courses – tools to encourage collaboration or not? (Free worksheet to work it out)
You’ve decided to teach your amazing gifts. You’ve got a lot of decisions to make. Instructional design is… multifaceted decision making. It’s easier if we chunk up the decisions. Let’s look at whether building an online community is part of your offering. Social media, audio conferencing, chat pages in a membership sight, collaborative technologies, online […]